Building Through the Summer Blues in Your Business


Summer has arrived! The sun in shining, it’s hot. People are enjoying pools and ice cream, the beach and local fairs. And as a result, you have contracted the summer blues in your business. Why? Because you’re thinking inside the box. For whatever reason, you have convinced yourself that because it’s summer, business will be slow.

And guess what? You keep telling yourself that and that is exactly what it will be. However, if you are willing to think outside of the norm, or when others are ziggin‘ you are zaggin‘ then this is the post for you.

The Summer Months have been our Biggest Months in Business

You probably said to yourself … ‘whatttttt?‘ And yes, over our careers July has in fact been our biggest months? One perspective is that we just work hard all the time and so it works for us but won’t for you. However, we want to challenge you to this;

While everyone is out enjoying the summer months not working their business. And, while they are whining about summer being super slow — do the opposite! Don’t do what everyone else is doing.

Here’s the deal, chances are that most people during the day time hours are out n’ about. So, although we love building our businesses on social media there isn’t anywhere that says don’t go out and meet people. Be where the people are! We would bet that if you decided to take your kids to the park, or your dog for a swim at the beach you could easily meet 5-10 people no problem.

And guess what?

Open up a conversation, talk about anything really. This could be the beginning of a great relationship. Make sure your conversation is authentic and genuine. The best part about meeting people out n’ about is you already have something in common. You both love to be where you are. This interaction will allow you to continue to foster that relationship. Because before you go, you are going to ask them to connect on Facebook with you.

We don’t know about you but there are no summer blues when you are collecting 5-10 new contacts (or more!) daily by being out enjoying the warm weather, right?

2 Reasons your Business is Hurting in the Summer

The affirmations you are putting out there. You see, you’ve already told yourself things are going to be slow. And so now, you are living up to that affirmation (or expectation). You haven’t given yourself anything to work towards. Because listen, the summer months have been great to us in past and even now — so tell yourself they will be for you too!

Whether you believe in law of attraction or putting things out to the universe or not, there is something incredibly powerful behind affirmations. Here are a couple you can include in your daily routine;

  1. I am going to have my best month in business this summer
  2. This summer I am going to recruit a new leader into my business
  3. In July, I will meet 25 new people


Try them. Find somewhere like a post-it-note or whiteboard, and write them down. Make sure you are telling yourself these affirmations everyday. And, with conviction. You will be amazed at what will happen for you.

You are homebound. As we mentioned earlier, go where the people are. There are few places you can go that you will not run into new people to talk to. The summer weather brings about a different, social energy from people. Maximize on that. Get out of your comfort zone and make a decision that you will meet new people everyday. Social media is amazing, but so is human interaction. And, meeting people in places you have an underlying something in common with, is perfect!

Your Business Doesn’t Suck in the Summer

Instead, your business in the summer is what you make it to be. So if you want to throw the towel in and say ‘see you in September’ that is on you. But doing so and then blaming the summer months — not a true story. Be social, get out there and enjoy the weather too — but go out with intention of also working your business.

Let’s be honest, we take our phones everywhere we go and, this way when you want to get someone’s contact info try this;

  1. Open up your Facebook app
  2. Go to where you can ‘search’ someone’s name
  3. Hand them the phone and ask them to add themselves as a friend


Naturally, you want to preempt that with ‘let’s do this again with the kids sometime!’. Or, ‘this was a great conversation, mind if we pick it up another time?’. Use phrases that come naturally to you but without a doubt people will be open to this more than they will a ‘cold’ friend request (like the ones you’ve been sending!)

By the way, did you catch our announcement this week? In case you did, make sure you comment below and/or get plugged into our Private Facebook Community for more information. Love to know more about your summer plans … drop them in the comments!

Suspendisse commodo vitae quam vel iaculis. Nunc varius enim sed maximus hendrerit. Nulla faucibus, arcu id condimentum maximus, mauris ipsum dignissim orci, eget viverra lectus est a augue. Integer volutpat vehicula accumsan. Aenean tempor nisl eu massa hendrerit accumsan. Proin hendrerit eu felis at consectetur.
Suspendisse commodo vitae quam vel iaculis. Nunc varius enim sed maximus hendrerit. Nulla faucibus, arcu id condimentum maximus, mauris ipsum dignissim orci, eget viverra lectus est a augue. Integer volutpat vehicula accumsan. Aenean tempor nisl eu massa hendrerit accumsan. Proin hendrerit eu felis at consectetur.
Suspendisse commodo vitae quam vel iaculis. Nunc varius enim sed maximus hendrerit. Nulla faucibus, arcu id condimentum maximus, mauris ipsum dignissim orci, eget viverra lectus est a augue. Integer volutpat vehicula accumsan. Aenean tempor nisl eu massa hendrerit accumsan. Proin hendrerit eu felis at consectetur.