Email Marketing is Dead ‘They’ Said | Were ‘They’ Right?


Let’s debunk a huge myth we hear — a lot. ”Email marketing is dead’ – they said. However, what they fail to tell you is that it is alive and well. Especially, for those marketing to their email lists appropriately.

You see, gone are the days you would purchase lists and blast all the same people your competition are marking to as well. And, gone are the days that you ‘got away’ with sending irrelevant content to your subscribers. Oh and reaping their ‘readership’ numbers.

Because, let us share a few key facts for you;

  1. Most people still open their emails every, single, day
  2. 59% of marketers still say email is their best marketing platform

Email Marketing and its Regulations

Rumour has it that email marketing started to die about a decade ago. And, has been on the obituaries ever since. Well, what’s interesting about that rumour is that is when we were first introduced to CAN-SPAM.

This Government Act is where it stipulates rules (that didn’t exist before) to businesses sending emails. What it meant for marketers, was that people could not be added to a list and marketed to. Basically, without permission.

Truth is, why were people doing that anyways?

In reality, we appreciate the CAN-SPAM regulations. It goes back to the quality over quantity vision and purpose, right?

Email Marketing is Super Consistent

People are willing to sign up for your subscriber list when they feel the content is relevant to their experience. Whether your email offers;

  • promos
  • news
  • weekly recipes
  • giveaways

… setting up the correct expectations will attract users to subscribe to your list. This, is why we use a lot PDF downloads and blog broadcasts in our email lists. Whether it be our recommended apps or free stock photo sites – it’s what we know our readers, want.

Want another fun fact?

92% of living adults use email. And most, open them multiple times a day. Additionally, users are far more likely to engage with your email than they would on a social media post. Sounds crazy right?

But here’s why — on social media it is easy to see a headline and an image and a buyer make a decision in that moment. Whereas with email, readers will more often than not click through to the website.

And, email marketing gives you an opportunity to continue to ‘drip’ on your readers more than you can on social media. As long as your subscriber is on your list – you have them. This is why the next section is super important.

Email Segmentation

Check this out; consumers do not mind being targeted by email as long as that email is relevant to their needs. One way to make sure your messaging is relevant to your prospects is through email segmentation.

What is it though?

Email segmentation involves dividing up your subscriber list into smaller segments based on something specific. It is generally used to personalize emails, making them more relevant to subscribers.

This can be based on criteria and demographics such as;

  • geographic location
  • interests
  • behavior (such as purchase history)

According to the Direct Marketing Association, ‘segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue.’

Overall, we hope this gives you some insight into why we still love email marketing. And, if you are interested in more content like this – let us know! And sure, we love social media and we love personal touch but …

… facts don’t lie and we like to be where 92% of adults spend time, don’t you?

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Suspendisse commodo vitae quam vel iaculis. Nunc varius enim sed maximus hendrerit. Nulla faucibus, arcu id condimentum maximus, mauris ipsum dignissim orci, eget viverra lectus est a augue. Integer volutpat vehicula accumsan. Aenean tempor nisl eu massa hendrerit accumsan. Proin hendrerit eu felis at consectetur.
Suspendisse commodo vitae quam vel iaculis. Nunc varius enim sed maximus hendrerit. Nulla faucibus, arcu id condimentum maximus, mauris ipsum dignissim orci, eget viverra lectus est a augue. Integer volutpat vehicula accumsan. Aenean tempor nisl eu massa hendrerit accumsan. Proin hendrerit eu felis at consectetur.