Ebbs and Flows Understanding the Seasons of Your Business


Business is similar to our lives where it flows in a circle. And as business owners and network marketers, we must navigate the seasons and stages with confidence that regardless of what season we’re in, it shall soon pass into another. We may stay in some seasons longer than others (or have it feel that way) but eventually, everything will shift.

New seasons will arrive … even when things feel stuck

Instead of fighting against it, we can work with through the motions knowing that there are wins always happening no matter the season. And, that it won’t be long before the rougher times are behind us.

Although, if we’re in a season of prosperity and being busy in business, we may feel gratitude for the success, but exhaustion trying to keep up. Knowing that another slower season is likely upon us can give us the stamina to ride out the busy season until we can once again rest and restore.

Becoming familiar with the seasons is crucial, it allows us to prepare for them.

The unexpected can be super hard for people at times, and please know it was for us too. However, once we started being able to identify the seasons, working with them instead of against them … magic happens. Ebbs and flows are found in every business be in network marketing or traditional business. We want to share with you a few ways we found that helped us and in turn, hope the same for you too!

Understanding the Seasons of your Business

First, we want to help illustrate what the 4 seasons of your business are and then, let’s map out a few ways you can deal with them effectively. Because as we know knowledge is great but the magic happens in the action. We. know that you can benefit greatly from learning about where some people fell short but we believe that understanding and applying the lesson is golden.

That is our goal with you. Our intention is to have you leaving this blog fired up to take acton regardless of the season you and your business are currently in!

Spring seasons are about possibility and potential.

This is when we’re full of ideas, excited about the future and feel the energy to make them happen. After the slowness and rest of winter, we’re ready to jump back in with both feet and start planting seeds for new growth. Plant, plant, and plant some more!

This is where things are starting to click (or start) and we feel a sense of clarity about our purpose. It’s time to take that focus and put it into action.

Spring is a season of movement and activity, putting everything in place to be able to watch it bloom in summer.

Spring is typically the busiest season of our business. We’re in constant go go go mode, and we’re loving it. And, although we don’t always see the harvest or bloom is spring, we have hope and confidence about what we’re creating.

Keep in mind this is an awesome time for connecting and prospecting like a maniac!

Things to keep in mind during the Spring Seasons


Since spring is the season of planting, make sure that you’re planting the right seeds. This is where a clear, specific plan is best. Yes, you’ve got energy in your favor, but if you simply throw seeds without intention for what you’re planting long-term, you’ll find yourself working harder than you have to during summer season.

Summer seasons are about beauty and growth.

This is the season you want to protect the seeds you’ve planted. Think of the climate – it’s hot, you want to be watering (nurturing) and making sure the new growth is well nourished. Summer is also the season where you want to make sure you are pulling those weeds away from the seeds looking to grow.

Summer is about protecting. Ensuring that all the work you did throughout the spring is taken care of.

Things to keep in mind during the Summer Seasons


Even when you think you’ve planted the seed well enough, go back to it. Check on it, give it some water, some love – pour into that seed so it can not just grow but flourish when it’s ready!

Fall seasons are about harvest time!

Probably the most anticipated season in people’s businesses. This is the time that all those seeds you planted in the springtime are coming to life. This is where business is booming, it’s amazing! Think about the Midas touch .. everything you touch turns golden – this is your time. And, no one is going to stop you from enjoying it!

Fall is the season where everything is working, leads are flowing, funnel is full, customers are buying, distributors are on board – life is good.

Guess what? Enjoy these moments and be sure to celebrate the wins big and small. Because, we don’t stay in fall forever and that’s totally OK because it will be back again, right? So for now treasure the moments but never stop working!

Things to keep in mind during the Fall Seasons


As we mentioned above, the fall season will leave us for some time too. So just keep in mind that we never can stop working – even planting. Some of those seeds can be stubborn I’m sure. But don’t let the fact this season will leave you take away from lavishing in the joy either – you’ve earned this!

Winter seasons are quiet and the ones we wished wouldn’t hang around too long.

Ugh. Right? The winter seasons are exactly how they appear in real life. Grey, cold, even lonely. This is the season where people quit or vanish it seems. Seeds aren’t growing and frankly, it’s a time you may even start to question yourself and this business. Being mindful of this is so crucial.

Winter seasons are optimal times to dive deeper into personal development, find events your company may be putting on and get to them – be around excitement. Winter is the season in business that will challenge you but remind yourself that spring will come.

Things to keep in mind during the Winter Seasons


Now, some of us spend a little longer in winter than we would like, but knowing that planting season is almost there it’s a great time to breathe and evaluate your plan. Check on your Daily Methods of Operations and make adjustments where they might be necessary.

As network marketers and business owners, we will all experience these 4 seasons. Some tend to leave as quickly as they arrived, and others stick around for what feels like forever. Whatever season you’re in, trust in the process and lessons it provides and learn to love the ebbs and flows. Each season offers us a lesson, a gift, a moment that will help us somewhere – even when it feels impossible.

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