How to Use Facebook Groups for Business


Using Facebook groups for business has a considerable advantage over Facebook pages.

Especially for small business owners and network marketers. 

The primary goal of every business is to have a targeted audience to ease a conversation into, right? Well, Facebook groups help attract a high level of engagement and promote the company in a way the entrepreneur desires. 

Even when the group is not your own. 

When people initially hear ‘Facebook Groups for business, they feel the urge to create one. However, what we want to share in this post is how you can create connections and make an impact by joining existing groups. 

Choosing Facebook Groups for Business


Before joining hundreds of Facebook Groups, you will want to narrow down a few things first. Having a current customer avatar or buyer persona will help. (if you need help with this, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!) 

These avatars or personas will help dictate which types of groups you should consider joining. Additionally, when you’re just starting with this strategy, we encourage you to join a maximum of 5. You can always scale up later. 

When creating or reviewing your buyer persona, focus on a few key things;

  1. What do they do for entertainment?
  2. Which books or publications are they consuming?
  3. What are their passions?
  4. Identify their needs/your solutions (skincare, health, cable, coaching, etc.)

When you have a clear answer to these few questions, identify the types of Facebook Groups that fall under these categories. Again, you will want to think outside the box. 

curiosity wins every time in network marketing

Quick Question Summary (and why you should care)


Question 1 – what commonalities in your customers/prospects do you share? Find groups that align with you and where you may find your prospects. 

Entertainment can encompass hobbies, movies, social gatherings, etc. 

When you join groups that fit into part of your life, it allows you to speak passionately and more than likely stay engaged. 

Question 2 – knowing what types of books and publications people consume are powerful. These answers can often speak to education levels, personal or professional interests, areas of need or passion, etc. 

If they are people who love self-help, find groups that align with that. Or, perhaps they love reading about health and nutrition – boom! Facebook groups for that too! Think outside the box on this one especially — brainstorm how these readers can benefit from your offer. And, more importantly, how you can enhance the current dialogue. 

Question 3 – passions. Well, how important is this answer when you are looking to offer solutions? Knowing what others are passionate about can help you frame conversations. It allows you to tug on those emotional strings and speak to things that matter to them. 

Question 4 – your solutions should feed their needs. When joining different Facebook groups of interest to your ideal client or customer, make sure you have a solution that will fit what they’re looking for. 

If this is a health-focused group, what products or services do you have in your arsenal that will help them? Focus on their needs first. 

Taking the Questions to Action


Now that you’ve identified the ideal customer/client and how you can help them — search for groups where you can bring this value. 

Please note: This does NOT mean joining the groups and advertising your products and services! Start with these tips first;

  1. Make a post to introduce yourself to the group
  2. Scroll the group and find posts that you can bring value
  3. Answer posted questions and share insight 
  4. Love on other people! 

… or as we like to say, breathe life into them

When you bring value and genuine care or concern for people — they notice. 

They notice and generally become curious enough to click your profile and check you out. But before you get there, you must give them something worth checking out, right? 

Use Facebook groups as a platform for you to share your knowledge and expertise. This, in turn, will help edify you and help you turn cold relationships into warm ones. 

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Suspendisse commodo vitae quam vel iaculis. Nunc varius enim sed maximus hendrerit. Nulla faucibus, arcu id condimentum maximus, mauris ipsum dignissim orci, eget viverra lectus est a augue. Integer volutpat vehicula accumsan. Aenean tempor nisl eu massa hendrerit accumsan. Proin hendrerit eu felis at consectetur.