Although we’ve often discussed prospecting and recruiting for your business, this post is slightly different. Although the relationship-cultivating process is the same, learning how to recruit 6 figure earners into your network marketing business looks a little different.
We encourage you to tap into additional suggestions and skills with these leaders; we believe you have what it takes!
Start and build the relationship. The key is getting to know that person — set business aside initially and choose to get to know who they are first. Hello — we’re in a relationship business, first and foremost!
Something else SUPER essential to keep in mind, too, when you’re reaching out to and trying to recruit 6 figure earners — you have to make sure your social media is tight. Meaning you’re mindful of the posts, reels, and videos you’re sharing. You want leaders to look at your content and think yes, I can see myself aligning with this person, they’re sharp, and I can see myself building with this person.
Once you’ve built this relationship, start sharing what you and your team are doing. Share the wins and stories you’re creating — show them that you’re ‘doing the do.’ And PLEASE only share the truths. This isn’t the time to embellish what’s happening (or not); otherwise, you will not be able to recruit them into your business, and you will likely lose the relationship too.
Authenticity is critical.
If your business has little going on, lean on your upline’s story. Let them share their journey to their level of success. In turn, this will allow your upline to edify you and sprinkle the BIG possibilities happening in your company.
Similarly to ensuring your social media is tight, you want to ensure that you are sharing value.
Think about how awesome it would be for this leader to think wow, this person is consistently leaving nuggets and sharing some MAJOR gold — I need/want to be a part of this. When you are prospecting and looking to recruit 6 figure earners into your business, remember this: they are looking out for themselves, BUT they’re also looking out for their ‘people.’ Sharing value they and their teams can learn from — is always a great idea.
Lastly, share your vision. In the same way, you paint the vision to any of your prospects, be sure to do this with the leaders too. You want them to be excited about the overall picture; the company, the sales, the commission possibilities, the culture, the people, and the impact.
We hope you found this blog and video helpful in learning how to recruit 6 figure earners into your business — let us know if you have any questions. We are more than happy to connect.