Supercharge Your Home Based Business With These 14 Tips


Fun Fact: Nearly 50% of all small businesses are home-based businesses in the United States. And, they employ about 50% of those working in the private sector. So, of course, this is a big deal, right? Now, the data doesn’t seem to exist when it comes to the words successful home-based business; however, based on our double digits in the industry, we’d like to suggest that the majority of those working from home full time are doing quite alright. 

Having said that, if you’re anything like us — we always believe in striving for better. So we’ve compiled 14 of our top home-based business tips in this post. They are based on our expertise and those nuggets we’ve acquired through learning, growing and having the right conversations. 

We hope these will help you supercharge your business(es) in all the right ways!

14 Tips to Supercharge your Home-Based Business


One of the best things about having a home-based business is that typically, they require little to no overhead. You, of course, have more common expenses like internet access and depending on where you are in your business, you may also have costs for coaching, resources, courses or otherwise. But overall, people are in pretty good shape regarding expenses, especially when you’re just starting. 

Let’s get to these 14 tips.

Create or Designate yourself a Working Area


Ideally, this space in your home will give you some privacy, peace and quiet and fit you ergonomically. We mention that because most of us who work from home spend time on a computer. Therefore, investing in a desk and suitable chair is essential. 

And, when you have a designated space, your family (especially children!) are likelier to leave that space to you. Whereas working from a kitchen table or a couch gives them prime access to you for those moments of ‘mom/dad, I just have one question!‘ (which, by the way, is never just one question!) 

Work where you are Most Productive.


So yes, we just suggested creating a designated work area in your home, but you don’t need to limit yourself to there if you can be flexible. For example, working in an excellent coffee shop or a library can bring about our creative juices or help us get into the zone. So pay attention to where you are most productive and consider doubling down on those efforts. 

Work on your Business, not in your Business.


Author and coach Jeannel King suggests that switching up our wording (in this case) helps create a bigger picture. See, when we are working in our business intends to lean towards product or service delivery. Where, we know there’s much more to your business, right? So you want to include things like finances, marketing plans, content strategies, your mission, etc. 

Verbiage can play such a massive role in how we are delivering to your customers and clients. 

Don’t lose the Professionalism in Working from Home.


A huge benefit to working from home is working in your pyjamas, right? Of course! But here are a few things you might want to consider to keep the professional aspect in line with what society can sometimes ‘expect.’ 

  1. Use a business address other than your home (coworking spaces are great for this)
  2. Rent a conference room when/if needed (many rent by the hour or day) 
  3. Fix that bed head before jumping on a zoom (dress up from the waist up is what we say!) 

Don’t Hide it — Show it off! 


It’s interesting to us when we meet people who almost feel ’embarrassed’ that they work from home. No way!! Show it off — take the time to share a few benefits and why you love it so much. People can’t appreciate what they don’t know. 

Personal Branding is Important


It is suggested that personal branding is essential in a home-based business trying to build an identity. It comes from clear and concise messaging, connecting with your prospects personally, credibility, etc. So take the time to pay some attention to this; the earlier, the better. 

Work with a Plan


A plan is essential for two reasons;

  1. Keeps you on track and accountable to your goals 
  2. Ensures you are not missing any components along the way. 

Consider your plan a brainstorming where you outline everything that needs to be done for that end goal. 

curiosity wins every time in network marketing

Work with a Schedule


A schedule helps you keep an eye on your time management. For example, some of us needed it as a reminder to step away for a bit to regroup, whereas others required it to work enough. Additionally, if it’s possible to stick to a regular schedule, it will help others to work around your schedule. Finally, predictability for family, clients and prospects is essential.

Make Organization a Priority


Here’s a fact that might help you up your home-based business organization; the average executive spends more than 3 hours a week looking for things. Don’t be that person! Instead, take the time to keep your files organized on and off your computer. When things are easy to find, the result is better focus and, in turn, productivity. (we’ve got some great tips on organization — let us know if you need some!) 

Avoid going into Working from Home Blind.


Some so many people see home-based business as a novelty. Do we hear things like ‘oh, it must be nice‘ — sound familiar? And so, in other words, know what you’re getting yourself into. Yes, working from home is fantastic and something we love, but it takes work. So often, people assume that clients and customers will start rolling in; sorry to tell you, marketing, lead generation, strategy, etc., need all part of the plan. 

Be Mindful of the Effects of Isolation .


Isolation can lead to some not-so-nice things, right? And when you have a home-based business, depending, of course, on your industry, it can be pretty isolating. So there are some days when you may have no contact with anyone, and it’s essential to keep your pulse on this. 

One suggestion is to connect with some communities of entrepreneurs or other home-based business owners. For one, it’s helpful that they can relate to what you’re going through, and two, they can make for some great company. 

Connection is still essential to avoid falling into too much alone time. 

Create a Consistent and Realistic Day.


When scheduling your days, ensure that they are sustainable for you — consistently. Of course, we want to jam pack that schedule and say yes to every call request or zoom meeting, but avoid falling into the ‘always on’ trap. 

As we mentioned above, the more consistent you can be, the more predictable you are for others. So it’s OK to want to do all the things, but leave some breathing room for yourself too. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup! 

Set some Clear Boundaries.


Fact: many people, including those who live in your home, don’t always understand the term ‘working from home.’ The operative word there? Working. Set clear boundaries with those you reside with; just because you’re home doesn’t mean you’re not working. And sure, it’s possible they will need multiple reminders but start early by creating this boundary and consider making them part of the process. 

Value Family Time.


Above, we touched on boundaries, and you must create your boundaries during non-work hours. Family time is precious time — avoid taking calls, responding to messages or checking your email. When it’s family time, turn everything else off. This will help others respect your work time boundaries when respecting their family time. 

We hope you found this post valuable and will share it with others! What tips do you find most helpful in your home-based business? Are there ones on this list that you feel might have been your missing piece? We love your feedback in the comments and can’t wait to hang out with you inside our Networkers Hangout! 

Suspendisse commodo vitae quam vel iaculis. Nunc varius enim sed maximus hendrerit. Nulla faucibus, arcu id condimentum maximus, mauris ipsum dignissim orci, eget viverra lectus est a augue. Integer volutpat vehicula accumsan. Aenean tempor nisl eu massa hendrerit accumsan. Proin hendrerit eu felis at consectetur.
Suspendisse commodo vitae quam vel iaculis. Nunc varius enim sed maximus hendrerit. Nulla faucibus, arcu id condimentum maximus, mauris ipsum dignissim orci, eget viverra lectus est a augue. Integer volutpat vehicula accumsan. Aenean tempor nisl eu massa hendrerit accumsan. Proin hendrerit eu felis at consectetur.
Suspendisse commodo vitae quam vel iaculis. Nunc varius enim sed maximus hendrerit. Nulla faucibus, arcu id condimentum maximus, mauris ipsum dignissim orci, eget viverra lectus est a augue. Integer volutpat vehicula accumsan. Aenean tempor nisl eu massa hendrerit accumsan. Proin hendrerit eu felis at consectetur.